Mercedes-Benz Club of America
Pikes Peak Section


'Round The Benz

‘Round The BENZ is published monthly by the Pikes Peak Section and contains the latest information on upcoming events as well as highlights of recent events. The classifieds section contains both commercial, and non-commercial ads which are free to members. Click on the interactive newsletter below to read the current issue online or use the active links in the table to open interactive versions of of the previous eleven month’s newsletters. You may use the control bar beneath the open newsletter to switch to and from full-screen mode or to download and print a pdf version of the newsletter. The file sizes vary from around 1-4 mb and may take some time to download depending on your internet connection. 

Newsletter Archives

This Month's 'Round The Benz
January 2025February 2025March 2024April 2024
May 2024June 2024July 2024August 2024
September 2024October 2024November 2024December 2024